On 12 December 2018, Te mana o te moana celebrated the Polynesian Turtle Day with about 120 students as part of the ‘Paruru no te moana’ project. A unique opportunity for those children to be more aware of the importance of protection of the Polynesian marine environment and more specifically the sea turtles. 5 different classes from Moorea primary schools attended the event.
The day was organized aroung 5 different activities focusing on sea turtles, marine mammals, coral reefs and environment protection:
- Educational wokshop with board games on sea turtles, cetaceans and coral reefs
- Creative workshop using vegetal and mineral materials
- Visit to the Sea turtle care center and a presentation on the current residents
- Visit to the underwater trails with the installation of a coral cut by each class
- Interactive games on the marine world and initiation to collaborative sciences
A big thank you to our partners for this event: the Directorate for the Environment in French Polynesia, the municipality of Moorea Maiao and Vilebrequin.