Sea turtles have populated the oceans for over 100 million years. They have lived with dinosaurs and overcome all climate crises, demonstrating their unique ability to adapt.
However, 6 of the 7 species are now threatened: the hawksbill turtle, the green turtle, the loggerhead turtle, the Kemp’s turtle, the olive ridley turtle, and the leatherback turtle. Only the flat-back turtle is not identified by IUCN as being threatened.
Some interesting facts about sea turtles:
* They have an excellent sense of smell which they use especially to find the beaches where they were born
* They only hear low frequency sounds underwater and detect vibrations when they are on the ground
* They have a good vision under water but on the ground, they are myopic
* The shape of their beak is adapted to their diet: rounded beak for herbivores, pointy beak for carnivores
* Their temperature depends on the environment in which they are. They are heterothermic.
Only one egg in a thousand will give an adult turtle able to reproduce
Photo credit : Alexis Rosenfeld, Frédéric Pons & Te mana o te moana