Great news to celebrate the start of the year!
On Saturday morning, we were called by the Moorea Cocobeach restaurant located on one of the Tiahura motu to inform us a green turtle came during the night to lay its eggs there. An extremely rare event! Since 2004, only 4 nests have been confirmed in Moorea.
Our veterinarian was able to find the nest on the motu and to protect it from predators with the help of the entire Cocobeach team, very committed to making sure this incredible new year gift is preserved. The Direction of the Environment of French Polynesia was also notified. In about 40 days, if all goes well, the baby turtles should join the lagoon. The female turtle will most likely return to lay its eggs on this motu or elsewhere around Moorea. Indeed, a laying female can lay eggs up to 10 times in a season, every 2 weeks or so.
We are asking everyone to be as careful as possible. This female or other individuals may try to lay their eggs on a beach of our island in the coming weeks.
Nearly 2 months ago, another green turtle was seen on Temae beach looking for a nesting site. It was unfortunately frightened by dogs and it returned to the sea without having laid her eggs.
Do not hesitate to observe the beaches in the evening and at night if you get a chance. The traces of laying females ascents and descents are easily identified by their form and can be observed in the morning on the sand. Contact us if you observe such an event.
Mauruuru roa everyone! 🌟
Projects with the authorization and the support of the Direction de l’Environnement de Polynésie française.
Pacific Beachcomber, Vilebrequin, Moorea Dolphin Center, Univairmer, Jean-François Clervoy and Frank Lehot, The Brando, Hinerava, Vilebrequin, IFBD, Air Tahiti Nui, Tetiaroa Society, Andrew Sabin Foundation.