The Whales season started in French Polynesia since the middle of July. In order to give a better knowledge on dolphins and whales of French Polynesia, Te mana o te moana has realised, as part of the Observatory of cetaceans iun French Polynesia, a special “Guide for observing dolphins and whales in French Polynesia”. This guide is an educative tool that provide to locals, tourists and especially professionnals various information towards marine mammals and the rules applied in French Polynesia through the creation of the Marine Mammals Sanctuary in 2002 and the Environment Code of French Polynesia. Actually, the guide could be download only in French version. The English one will come pretty soon. The Guide has been realised in partnership with the Direction of the Environment of French Polynesia, the Dr. Michael Poole (Marine Mammals Research Program) and thanks to the support of the Total Foundation, the Nature et Découvertes ones’, the Pacific fund, the Ifrecor Polynesia and the Moorea Dolphin Center company.
>> Click here to get more information about the Cetaceans’ Observatory