On June 17th, Fenua Ma celebrated the 11th Gold Turtles based on the selective sorting. Each year Fenua Ma is organizing these event to award Municipalities, Companies, Hotels and Educational Institutions. Regarding municipalities, this is to reward the most important collection of recyclable waste from green bins and glass ones. For the Educational institutions, Fenua Ma wish to reward the schools that are engaged in the recycling of wastes and in the use of renewable energies or sustainable development. A total of 5 millions pacific francs are dedicated to the winners… More than a diploma and the famous “Gold Turtles”, Fenua Ma has offered to each school the “îlécolo” game, created by our foundation. This game on sale at our foundation will help children becoming an eco-citizen, learning good practices towards our French Polynesian environment.
Congratulations one more time to the winners of the Gold Turtles :
- In the Schools category : 1st : Collège from Punaauia (since 2 years) – 2nd : Collège from Paopao, 3rd : Collège from Arue…
- In the Hôtels Category : 1st : The Brando (since its opening 2 years ago) – 2nd : the Intercontinental Faa’a from Tahiti (since 2 years), 3rd : the Tikehau Pearl Beach Resort.
- In the Municipalities category : Arue is the winner since 2 years, followed up by Punaauia and Mahina, 3 municipalities from the island of Tahiti.
- In the company category : Vini wins thanks to their rubbish treatments.
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