Held in French Polynesia for the third one year, the Day dedicated to the sea turtles in French Polynesia is the occasion to celebrate the sea turtles and the need to protect the species endangered in our waters. This day was initiated by the Meridien from Bora Bora and the Direction for the Environment and is relayed since that time. As every year, our foundation is celebrating this event during the Polynesian day with local schools. For this year, we participated to the Polynesian day with the College of Paopao Moorea (12-15 years old) that have set up various workshops on the Polynesian culture and protection (this entity is an Eco-friendly College). At least, more than 20 workshops has been organized such as painting, tattoo art activities; our educators used games to present the emblematic species of French Polynesia and we were proud to notice that 4 classrooms used our boardgames created on environment, sea turtles conservation and protected marine areas during the workshops. A classroom of 14 years old teenagers has also realized a special movie dedicated to the sea turtles protection. We were really honored by their hard work and attention.
To finalize the day, this college student class was invited to participate to the release of Rob, a juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in care at the Moorea Sea Turtle Clinic. This is the last one turtle of 53 hatchlings who were born in November 2014 on an islet of Moorea (this last one event has occurred in Moorea 10 years ago). The incubation and hatching have been disturbed by stray dogs and ants, so Te mana o te moana NGO, which manages the Turtles Clinic, intervened and carried a nest transfer. Turtle babies were taken care as soon as they hatched and were released in the wild as soon as their health permits: 37 individuals in November 2014, 9 in March 2015 and 1 in February 2016. Rob was named in honor of one of the founders of Pacsafe. Pacsafe, which is a famous brand of backpacks and travel accessories, supports this year the sea turtle conservation actions led by our foundation thanks to a dedicated fund. Rob is the 193rd turtle released by the Moorea Turtle Clinic.