In the company of THE all 11-12 years old students from the “Collège of Paopao”, Moorea (more than 170 teenagers and their 10 teachers), the team of Te mana o te moana accompanied by several volunteers have collected an impressive multitude of waste around the district of Paopao, next to the College.
This action started inside the College, to continue to the edge of the road, the river and finish in front of the sea …. In less than 3 hours, more than 60 bags were collected – either 6m3 of waste. But this action does not stop there! When picking up, all items found were sorted and placed in different bags representing green bins, gray bins, battery tray, glass tray … before having been collected by the City Hall of Moorea-Maiao and transported to different sorting centers on Tahiti. After studying the different time waste decomposition found, the students learned a few eco-actions in favor of nature, and each received the new educational booklet created by Te mana o te moana “the Sea turtles in French polynesia”. This booklet was realized in partenrship with the “La Rochelle Aquarium” and with the support of the AFD (French Development Agency) and the SWOT (State of the World’s Sea Turtles.) This large collection of waste is organized jointly by the Eco-College of Paopao and Te mana o te moana, with the help of the City Hall of Moorea Maiao and the SEP (Polynesia Environment Society).
The Association wishes to thank all the young people for their fervor and enthusiasm towards this impressive collection of waste.