Environment day, World Ocean Day, Science Festival, Nature Festival, International Clean-Up Day, World Water Day… Don’t miss these annual events that give you the occasion to get information and participate to the protection of our natural patrimony.
Since 2004, te mana o te moana’s foundation actively takes part in each “environmental day” that occurs on Moorea and Tahiti. As much as possible, special events are organised on the island of Moorea, so that local schools – that can not move to the island of Tahiti – can still participate.
Environment Day, June 5th
Every year, a number of institutions, government organisations, NGO’s, associations, and people from around the world celebrate on June 5th the Environment Day. The day is punctuated of animations and concrete actions to inform and teach the public about the well known fate of the world environment and the means to protect it.
In French Polynesia, the June 5th event is coordinated by the Ministry for Sustainable Development. The te mana o te moana association plays an active role during this Environment Day. It offers various animations aiming at informing people and more specifically educating Polynesian kids on the natural environment and lagoon resources as well as the need to protect them.
Trash colleting operations, educational visits to the Moorea Dolphin Center along with environmental information supports distribution, poetry contest with the various schools of the island on the lagoon protection theme are some of the various actions that we have organised in Moorea during some of the previous Environment Days to rise the kids awareness of the future of their islands and more broadly of their planet.
2012, June 8th – Sea’s Days
2010, June 3rd to 6th – Sea’s days celebrated on Tahiti
Earth Day, April 22nd
An annual worldwide day of action for the preservation of the Planet, joined by te mana o te moana who sets up various awareness raising activities on this special occasion.
17-19 April 2007 – Giant beach cleanup in Tetiaroa
World Ocean Day, June 8th
World Ocean Day is one of the initiatives that have been proposed during the Earth Summit of 1992 in Rio-Brazil. This day dedicated to the Ocean is a true celebration of the sea and its resources to raise awareness on the vital role of the oceans and the need to protect them. Simultaneously on the 5 continents, over a hundred institutions offer to the public various animations, initiatives and festivities (music, painting, sculpture, dance, contests…) to celebrate the sea.
This event is intended to be an exemplary day of mobilization, education, information and action dedicated to the marine environment. Its goal is to inform each of us and give us the possibility to act as Citizens of the Ocean by contributing to a better management of the Ocean for everyone’s wellbeing. The World Ocean Network contributes to the Oceans World day. It brings together over a hundred organisations, museums, aquariums, environmental or educational NGO’s and private organisations that altogether reach over 200 million people every year.
The te mana o te moana association, member of the World Ocean Network, is the initiator of the World Ocean Day in French Polynesia, a country that is especially dependant of the sea and its resources. Our program for June 8th includes open door days, exposition to education material on the ocean protection, information to the public on lagoon pollution and its impact on the natural environment, and the distribution of the Citizen of the Ocean Passport that encourages its owner to protect the sea wherever he is.
More information: >> http://worldoceansday.org/
2012, June 8th – World Ocean Day 2012
2010, June 8th – World Ocean Day celebration on Moorea
2010, June 4th – Launching of the Oceans’ festival and celebration of the anniversary of J-Y. Cousteau
Science Festival
The te mana o te moana association takes active part to the Science Festival organised each year in French Polynesia to allow the public to get acquainted with the complex and mysterious world of science and better understand what role scientists play and the missions of the organisations that hosts them.
It also gives the opportunity to tell about scientific progress and the hopes that it can generate (a better environment, protection and sustainable management of our resources, gene therapy…).
Te mana o te moana is very sensitive to the educational role of Science Festival and works with the research organisations partnering its activities like the CRIOBE and the GUMP Station to organise open-doors days and welcome schools.
These days allows the kids to better understand what is at stake with scientific research, the protection of our environment, and the need to protect the ocean.
2010, 19-20-21 October – Science Festival
International Cleanup Day, September
Every year, in September, the International Cleanup Day involves thousands of volunteers removing debris from beaches and shorelines.
The aim of this annual event is a better protection and conservtaion of the marine and coastal environment, as well as raising populations’ awareness of ecosystems’ vulnerability.
In French Polynesia, many diving centers together with the tahitian surf federation, administrations, non-profit foundations, sports clubs, schools and religious groups clean up rubbish on beaches and in the lagoons of Tahiti and her islands.
This event is a good example of joint actions towards a better protection of the polynesian marine environment.
All citizens are invited to take action and participate in the event, and, afterwards, to make a difference every day by properly disposing of waste and collecting debris every time they dive or visit the shoreline…
18-24 September 2009 – “Wild missions” with te mana o te moana
17-19 April 2007 – Giant beach cleanup in Tetiaroa
Nature Festival, May
Nature festival, initiated by the French Committee of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) everywhere in France, offers an opportunity for citizens to be closer to nature and to enjoy its wonders.
Professionals and volunteers organize field-trips during a weekend with games and activities outside, free of charge and open to everyone. For te mana o te moana, its also a unique opportunity to raise awareness on marine environment diversity and the importance to protect it.
Since 2004, Te mana o te moana’s foundation is celebrating the event, moreoften on the island of Moorea.
More information: >> http://www.fetedelanature.com/
2010, May 22nd – Festival of Nature celebrated on Moorea
World Wetlands Day, February 2nd
The World Wetlands Day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar.
Each year since 1997, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and groups of citizens at all levels of the community have taken advantage of the opportunity to undertake actions aimed at raising public awareness of wetland values and benefits in general and the Ramsar Convention in particular.
The island of Moorea has been accreditated RAMSAR since 2008. Since that time, the city hall of Moorea organize each year the celebration of this event. Te mana o te moana is always participating to this events.
More information :
Tahiti-Moorea Sailing rendez-vous
Tahiti Moorea sailing rendez-vous is an annual event of sailing tourism in Tahiti. Each year more than 80 sailing boats take part in the crossing. Te mana o te moana is annually sollicited to raise awareness on marine environment during this event.
For the year 2010 (june 18th), it was the opportunity for those types of tourists to dicover actions plans elaborated on Moorea and discover the underwater trail with our marine biologist. At least, they were invited to protect the seas by receveing a citizen of the ocean passeport.
In 2009 (June 19th to 21st), te mana o te moana displayed an information booth in the event village in Tahiti to raise sailors’ awareness on marine environment before the crossing. Once in Moorea, the participants met a biologist of te mana o te moana for a “practical course” of underwater world discovery on the underwater trail created by the association last year for the Moorea sailing school.
2010, June 18th to 20th – Tahiti-Moorea Sailing event
Tahiti Pearl Regatta
Te mana o te moana takes an active part in annual sailing events such as Sailing exhibition or Tahiti-Moorea sailing rendez-vous competition and never misses an opportunity to create awareness on marine environment protection among professional and amateur sailors.
In 2009 (from May 5 to the 6th), For this 6th edition of the famous sailing competition, a volunteer of te mana o te moana presented an information booth on marine environment in the village of Tahiti Pearl Regatta in Raiatea island. Sailors found out various projects of te mana o te moana and took part in games and activities on sea turtles, pollution and marine environment protection. The information booth was a real success! Each competitor was offered a Citizen of the Ocean Passport and a sea turtle observation form and will now personally contribute to te mana o te moana missions and to the ocean protection.
29-30 March 2012 – Information booth at the Salon Nautica Porinetia