Since 2 years, the foundation is trying to renew an educational project based on the Marine Areas Plan of Moorea. Goals are to aim at a better understanding of our PGEM of Moorea (Management Plan for the Marine Areas), the rules applied, and to give a better knowledge of the marine fauna and flora. This project is conducted with the 7 elementary schools of Moorea (children from 9 to 11 years old).
During the 2012-2013 school year, this project was supported by the Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l’Homme and in partnership with the Direction of Primary School and the City hall of Moorea Maiao. Last year, 7 classerooms, around 300 school chilren have participated to the project.
For this 2013-2014 year, the project has been renewed thanks to the support of the TE ME UM Program (Terres et Mers Ultras-Marines) and Isabella Ponta, one of our generous donor. It’s still developped in and in partnership with the Direction of Primary School and the City hall of Moorea Maiao.
The novelty for this year is that the classerooms are coming to the te mana o te moana facility to visit the Sea turtle Clinic and the Dolphin Center area, more than the visit of the coral reefs area and the use of educational tools, as it was in the past. Moreover, each child is receiving a special booklet “Tohora, humpack whale who are you?” as a souvenir of their involvment into the French Polynesia conservation.
2013-2014 School project : Awareness raising of the school children to the protection the Marine space of Moorea
For this year, goals are the same : give a better understanding of our natural marine ecosystem (corals, fish, marine mammals and emblematic species like sea turtles…), understand the marine laws set up for the lagoon of Moorea since 2005 in order to increase the children awareness towards the necessity of protecting our marine ressources. The diffrence for this year is that every child will get a special booklet named “Tohora, Humpack whale who are you?“ as a souvenir of their learning.
This project is devides into 3 steps. First of all, the policeman from the city hall is presenting the PGEM (Management Plan for the Marine Areas of Moorea) into the classeroom.
Then, educators from Te mana o te moana are welcoming the chilren either at the Te mana o te moana foundatiion or at the beach of Tiahamanu where they will invite the children to visit an underwater trail during 45 minutes, visit the sea turtle clinic and the dolphins lagoon.
School children also participated to pedagogic activities before returning at school.
As a souvenir of their learning, every child will get a booklet “Tohora, humpback whale how are you?”created to aim at a better understang of the marine mammals conservation. First animations were provided on December 04th, 2013 in the company of the school children from Haapiti Elementary school (see pictures) and will fiinished on May 2014.
The 4th intervention of the schoold children awareness project on the Marine areas protection of Moorea was on January 29th, 2014. In the company of our marine biologist, the school children of Papetoai Elementary school of Moorea have visited the underwater trail realized by Te mana o te moana during 45 minutes. During that time, another educator from the foundation played with others groups using educational game boards..
Actually, 8 classerooms were welcomed since the beginning of the project – 192 school children.
<< Click here to get all information about the 1st intervention of the project
<< Click here to get all information about the 2nd intervention of the project
2012-2013 school year project :“Awareness and understanding of Marine protected areas (PGEM) of the Moorea lagoon.”
Throughout the 2012-2013 school year, students of Cycle 3 level (9-11years old) of the 7 Elementary schools of Moorea island participated in an educational project aimed at a better understanding of the lagoon of Moorea, the Management Plan of the Maritime area set up since 2005, and to to have a better knowledge of the need to preserve our island marine resources. This project has been punctuated by various interventions in the classroom and on the field (educational workshops, visit a coral garden…). It was conducted by te mana o te moana, in partnership with the city hall of Maiao Moorea, the PGEM association, under the financial support of the Foundation “Nicolas Hulot, pour la Nature et l’Homme”. To complete this educational project conducted during one school year, students were asked to work on a special poster dedicated to the Moorea lagoon and coral reefs conservation. To finalise the project, a special contest is organised, that will be celebrated on June 8th for the World Ocean day.
Launching of the “lagoon contest”
The foundation has set up a special contest on coral reefs towards schoold children from 9 to 11 years old from the island of Moorea. This contest is the last step of an educational project conducted since the beginning of the school year regarding the conservation of coral reefs and for a better understanding of the protected areas into the lagoon of Moorea.
The winners are the CM2 class of Mme Caroline – Paopao Elementary school for their poster “SOS Reef”. Winners were invited to come on June 8th -2013 during the World Ocean Day.