The last day for the science on saturday evening was dedicated to the free forecast of the story movie Sammy II in the Gardens of Paofai. Goal of this screening was to gather families to make them aware about the necessity to protect the nature and to diffuse the “Booklet on Ecosystemic services” realised to everyone that would like to get involved to the nature conservation. An evening that gathered more than 200 persons.
<< Discover the Event Poster- FDS 2015
Finally, as part of the Science Fair, the foundation created a special “booklet on Ecosystemic services in French Polynesia” for the public (mostly teenagers, teachers and adults). Edited in 4 000 specimens, every child received a booklet to discover all the services offered by our nature and to try to help to protect those services, essential for the health of the human being. We need to remeber that“Overused and polluted, our Earth is worn out”.
<<Download the Booklet on Ecosystemic Services (only French)
This 24th edition of the Science Festival in French Polynesia is coordinated by the association Te Mana o Te Moana which was appointed by the Country and the High Commission of the French Republic in French Polynesia.
We would like to thank all the research centers, experts, scientists of the “Fenua” (French Polynesia) that participated to make a real celebration of the Science and gathered more than 1 600 persons, mostly teenagers (15-17 years old).