The scales on each side of sea turtle’s head are like fingerprints for human : unique to each individual and stable with time. As such, a photograph of a sea turtle’s head allows us to identify this turtle and to follow her in her movements : it’s what we call photo-identification. Unlike conventional tracking methods (tags, satellite trackers…) photo-identification does not require any manipulation of the sea turtles, and is therefore considered as a non invasive method. It was initiated by Kelonia and the Ifremer from the Reunion’s island and called the “TORSOII” program. Sea turtle photographs taken in French Polynesia can help us to improve our understanding on the repartition, behavior, habits and movements of sea turtles around Polynesian islands. To increase locals’ participation (through citizen science), the organisation created a guidelines method on the method. The functioning for the method was also shared on social media. You can contribute to this program in sending us the pictures of the sea turtles taken (no need to be close to the turtles and remember that you don’t have to disturb them).