On May 23rd , we celebrate the 17th annual World Turtle Day, sponsored yearly since 2000 by the non-profit organization American Tortoise Rescue. The day was created as an annual observance to help people celebrate and protect turtles and tortoises and their disappearing habitats around the world.
A great opportunity to relay the information and remind you of our commitment to sea turtles and the protection of our marine environment.
Every year since 2007, our organization, state approved by the Ministry for the Environment in French Polynesia, ensures a field monitoring during the entire nesting season on Tetiaroa.
This year is an awesome season for the nesting of green sea turtles on the atoll of Tetiaroa!! Number of tracks and nests counted have already outnumbered the ones from previous years.
601 crawls have been observed by our team (a female can lay eggs several times in one season) and more than 24,000 baby turtles were born.
32 babies found at the end of a nest were rescued by our volunteers and brought back to the sea turtle care center. Thanks to Tetiaroa Society and The Brando for their support.
To this day, we have welcomed 490 sea turtles and successfully released 206 into the wild. Thanks to our educational programs and our participation in environmental events, we raised awareness of more than 75 000 kids.