Many trutles victims of collision in Tahiti and Moorea
Friday May 17th, 2024, a turtle in distress was reported in the Punaauia channel, seriously injured and presenting deep wounds to the head and shell revealing its lungs. Considering the characteristics of the wounds, a collision with a boat was the cause of his injuries. Despite all the work put in by the Te mana o te moana team, this 65 cm green turtle died the next day.
Friday May 10th, 2024, a resident of Teavaro in Moorea reported a turtle stranded on a coastal edge. Deceased, the turtle showed impacts on the shell typical of a boat collision. With a size of approximately 1 meter, this green turtle was of breeding age.
Wednesday February 28th, 2024, a green turtle of approx. 70cm was reported deceased and floating at Marina Taina in Punaauia. Here again, collision impacts on the shell left no room for doubt.
This succession of individuals found injured or dead in Tahiti and Moorea in recent weeks reinforces a problem already on the rise since 2022 with several dozen turtle victims of collision listed by Te mana o te moana. The various testimonies collected reporting non-compliance with the speeds in force and the damage observed on the animals confirm the obvious link between the growing presence of marine turtles inside the lagoons and excessive boat speed, although limited to 5 knots.
We would like tto remind everyone that speed is an important factor in cases of the sea turtle collisions with boats and that it is therfore essential to respect the regulations in force.
Sea turtles are a fragile species, emblem of our oceans already facing numerous threats. Essential to the balance of our ecosystems, we must ensure their safeguard and contribute to their protection.
In the even of a turtle observed in distress, for example following a collision with a boat, please contact Te mana o te moana urgently on 87 39 08 45. If possible, do not leave the area and wait for instructions from our teams. Every little action counts.

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