Called : “From the Grenelle de la mer to the Sommet de la Terre en 2012”, this conference was organized to define perspectives on the national startegy of Protected Areas…
During 3 days, all participants have taken part to presentations in order to get a better knowledge of international existing intiatives (France areas but also Pacific, Atlantic and Indian areas).
Te mana o te moana’s represented by her President, the DVM Cécile Gaspar, has presented actions made by the association in conservation and education.
She has aslo presented the educational tool created especially for a better understanding of the PGEM of the island of Moorea (Restricted Marine Areas).This game was elaborated for the French Polynesia Ministry of Fisheries and is presented to all schools of Moorea during the “Sea’s days” during the all school year long. In partnership with the City Hall of Moorea’s island, the PGEM association, the Acroporis fundation, educators and volunteers welcome school children from 9 to 11 years old in order to present them the importance of protected areas, the link between animals living on land and sea and the cultural aspect of the island of Moorea.
Note that many French Polynesian Minsitries have taken part to this meeting : Tamauri Foster, minsiter of marine ressources, Jeremy Jahan form the Minsitry of Tourism, Terana Hargous form the Environment Minsitry, Teari Alpha. Also note that the representant of the Protected Marine Areas Agency, Sophie Dorothée Duron, took aslo part into this conference.