Juvenile green turtles who joined the Sea turtle care center last March and April from Tetiaroa, Moorea and Taravao are in good health and are almost ready to be released! A release we will keep you informed about in the coming weeks.
When hatchlings arrive at the Care center, they weight barely 20 grams and measure approximately 5 cm. It is during the egg-laying season, and in particular on Tetiaroa, that hatchlings are found too weak to reach the sea.
They are then brought to the Care center in order to monitor their health and growth. Depending on the individuals and on the pathologies, the release takes place around 6 months after hatching with the approval of the Direction de l’Environnement Polynésie Française.
Here are some images of Heinoa in the Care center nurseries!
Partners: Pacific Beachcomber, Vilebrequin, Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, Moorea Dolphin Center, Univairmer, Hinerava, Jean-François Clervoy, Frank Lehot, Air Tahiti Nui