On Wednesday 13 March 2019, Te mana o te moana and the Direction of Education & Teaching of French Polynesia (DGEE) signed a partnership agreement as part of the Educative Marine Area (AME) Project for the organization of workshops and eco-friendly activities for Polynesian schoolchildren.
As a reminder, AME is a small coastal area managed in a participatory manner by students. It allows teachers to educate children on the protection of the marine environment and its biodiversity but also to use the AME as a teaching tool: mathematical concepts by counting marine species, notions of French by learning marine vocabulary, etc.
The idea is to learn, live and transmit the ocean!
Earlier in March, Magali Lagant, our educational program coordinator travelled to Anaa, Tuamotus as part of the AME project. Anaa’s AME stretches over 2km of coastline and is managed by the local school under the supervision of Jean-Pierre.
Throughout the week, Magali led educational workshops on the beach and in class to raise awareness on the marine environment, particularly on the themes of marine protected areas, coral reef and more generally the protection of the environment. The school of Tahiti Mairipehe supervised by Ms. Eileen which is AME-certified, also benefited from awareness sessions, having made the trip to Anaa to exchange with the local school on AME.
Polynesia has 26 AME and since 2012, 1,700 children have participated in the dedicated workshops organized by our association.