Tetiaroa is a small atoll north-west of Tahiti. On this tiny paradise, nature is remarquably preserved. For several years, te mana o te moana has been implementing monitoring programs, especially sea turtles nests, on Tetiaroa.
Sea turtles nests monitoring
Since 2004, te mana o te moana has implemented a program for the monitoring of turtle’s nests on Tetiaroa (an atoll nearby Tahiti), according to the wish of the island’s owners.
>> Sea Turtles’ nests monitoring
Discover our report of ten years survey of our nesting monitoring program (click on the picture to view it).
Naturalist excursions
Since the opening of The Brando Resort based on the atoll of Tetiaroa, Te mana o te moana proposes various naturalist activites for the public. Specially trained by our educators and marine biologists, the new team delivers special programs helping at a better understanding of the needs to protect our marine ecosystem and its life, and to adopt eco-friendly attitude towards the French Polynesia nature.
As part of its missions, our team is also training the staff of the hotel in proposing environmental conferences and the participation to clean-up….
After over a year of collaboration, the team of the naturalist guides have conducted 430 tours for the hotel guests to present the specificities of each motu and the richness of the atoll.
In addition, the daily presence of our naturalist guides has allowed our team to achieve a very detailed monitoring during the nesting season of green turtles and enriching our knowledge of this species. This eighth year of monitoring has identified 368 events which represents 1426 hours of surveillance day / night and 1998.16 km traveled.
We also developed various educational tools (panels, booklet, games …) in order to inform on the Biodiversity of Tetiaroa’s atoll.
To date, only the Tetiaroa Society association is permanently present on the atoll and therefore took naturalists activities offered to guests of the hotel The Brando.