The second school awareness tour in the Australes is ending. Thanks to the support of Pew Polynesia and our animators, the various maritime management plans and their importance are now known to the school. Thus, all of them are aware of the positive impact those plans might have been achieved, for example, a ” Rahul Tamari ” or an application for the” AME ” (the marine education area), and now understand the terms of PGEM, AMP , AMG, ZPR, etc.
Our animator Magali continued her tour to Raivavae to finish it off at Tubuai. After selecting areas for launching, children and teachers benefited from an information session followed by a session on site. As in Rurutu and Rimatara, a session was dedicated in class, followed by an introduction to the Reef Check method through the counting of certain species of fish (e.g. Butterfly Fish, convict fish, etc.). Invertebrates (e.g. sea urchins, hava, clams) and types of Coral (massIve etc.)
A total of 290 pupils have been sensitized to the protection of the marine environment during this tour in the Australes.
Magali took advantage of his stay in Tubuai to participate in the science festival organized by The Association Proscience. She has informed more than 300 students through explanations, including the recognition of Marine Turtles with the scales of their head. Thus, the hei moana project has been honoured with participatory sciences.
Magali also participated in the “book fair” in Raivavae where the entire elementary school was sensitized on the protection of the marine environment.
A great tour which has enabled nearly 600 chuldren to be introduced to the participatory sciences and the various methods they can implement for the protection of French Polynesia.
Our animator Magali continued her tour to Raivavae to finish it off at Tubuai. After selecting areas for launching, children and teachers benefited from an information session followed by a session on site. As in Rurutu and Rimatara, a session was dedicated in class, followed by an introduction to the Reef Check method through the counting of certain species of fish (e.g. Butterfly Fish, convict fish, etc.). Invertebrates (e.g. sea urchins, hava, clams) and types of Coral (massIve etc.)
A total of 290 pupils have been sensitized to the protection of the marine environment during this tour in the Australes.
Magali took advantage of his stay in Tubuai to participate in the science festival organized by The Association Proscience. She has informed more than 300 students through explanations, including the recognition of Marine Turtles with the scales of their head. Thus, the hei moana project has been honoured with participatory sciences.
Magali also participated in the “book fair” in Raivavae where the entire elementary school was sensitized on the protection of the marine environment.
A great tour which has enabled nearly 600 chuldren to be introduced to the participatory sciences and the various methods they can implement for the protection of French Polynesia.