Since September 2020, the foundation’s teams have been leading the HEI HONU project whose objective is to educate schoolchildren on the damages of plastic pollution and the adoption of eco-friendly habits. Many actions have already been carried out:
* Close to 1,200 Tahiti and Moorea schoolchildren received an ecological flask. Made ouf of metal without the use of plastic, this water bottle eliminates plastic bottles use in these classes. This distribution is accompanied by educational workshops to provide students with concrete solutions to change their habits and consumption patterns.
* Posters displayed in class will allow to carry out the message as a reminder of eco-friendly habits to adopt.
* More than 10m3 of waste were collected as part of the project on Moorea island. Cleanup days in Tahiti will also be organized in the coming weeks.
* A major competition with the production of works-of-art made from collected waste will be organized with a prize-giving ceremony on World Oceans Day on June 8th, 2021.
Educational workshops will start again after the February holidays with more than 2,600 flasks still to be distributed to Polynesian schools.
* This Project is financed by the Office Français de la Biodiversité, the Fonds de Développement de la Vie Associative and Fenua Ma. Thank you for your support.