The jury has just deliberated yesterday regarding the School contest organized as part of the educational project : “Let’s protect our oceans” held since the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
Composed by Donatien and Jerome in charge of the PEW French Polynesia, Cécile our President, our two animators (that provided interventions into schools) and Vie the head education officer, the jury have elected the 2 winners on 9 productions created by school children from Austral Islands, Moorea and Tahiti one’s.
We are very proud to annouce you that the class of CM2 from Tubuai island has won the 1st prize in the “Charter” category. The CM2 class from Taharuu, Tahiti island has won the 1st prize for their poster.
2nd prize in the “Charter” category goes to the CM2 class from Ste Thérèse school and the 2nd prize in the “Poster catégory” goes to the CM1 class from also Ste thérèse. Winners are invited to celebrate the World Ocean Day at the non profit oundation. This will be on June 8th for a special days wuth various activities and games towards the conservation of our ocean.
At the end of the month of June, the toolkit realized for this project, thanks to the suppoort of the PEW Charitable trusts will be distributed to all the scghools of the Autral islands and on Moorea and Tahiti. Both of the productions realized by the children will be added into the tooklit….
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