Magali, one of the educator and Nicolas, intern, presented during two days educational resources and tools based on coral reefs, sea turtles and environmental protection. Visitors could take part in various educational games and activities. Once succeeded in all activities, they had to move to another information booth. Around 200 persons in two days visited […]
2010, June 1st to 7th – First International Conference on Manta rays held in Tahiti and Bora Bora.
Protected since february 2008, not any precautions are developped to give to them a Biodiversity status for tourism. At least, more than 6 international marine biologists working on manta rays where invited to share experiences and researchs. Cecile Gaspar has also presented her thesis based on sting rays explaining the importance of doing tourist activities […]
2010, May 22nd – Festival of Nature celebrated on Moorea
It was also the opportunity to show to tourists, residents and children some “good habits” to care after Nature. At least more than 20 persons were welcomed, both adults and children during this special day.
2010, May 17th and 18th – Seminar of Biodiversity held by the Education Ministry
Cecile Gaspar et Vie Jourdan occurred on sea turtles thematic and did present to teachers and inspectors the honu toolkit which collects more than 30 tools to the Primary school establishments and distibuted for free to all the islands of French Polynesia.
2010, May, 10th to 12th – Seminar on biodiversity held in Chamonix.
The goal of this seminar was “How to organize to success together?”. It was organized by the Minstry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development for the opportunity of the international year of biodiversity. The aim of this national seminar was to think all together of coordination and decision process which can make politics successful in Biodiversity. Te […]