As part of the sea turtles conservation program implemented in French Polynesia, the DIREN (Department of Environment) has trained volunteer referent persons, in Tahiti and her islands. These referent persons have attended a special training course directed by the DIREN, in order to gain knowledge about sighting sea turtles, identification, tagging of the animals […]
2010, November 19th – Teachers into Sea turtles school for one day
During the “Biodiversity Seminar for schools” organized by the Department of Primary Schools, teachers from Tahiti were welcome in order to get a better knowledge of Biodiversity. It was the opportunity for them to discover the various educational tools and programs provided by the foundation. Vie Jourdan, Education officer has presented all pedagogic activities…. teachers […]
2010, May 17th and 18th – Seminar of Biodiversity held by the Education Ministry
Cecile Gaspar et Vie Jourdan occurred on sea turtles thematic and did present to teachers and inspectors the honu toolkit which collects more than 30 tools to the Primary school establishments and distibuted for free to all the islands of French Polynesia.
2010, march 29th and 30th – 2 training days for tourism operators
To follow the project of Sustainable tourism in French Polynesia, elaborated in partnership with the CRISP ( Coral Reef Initiative’s in the Pacific), a formation on nautical tourism and environment protection has been organized on march 29th on the island of Moorea. Done for the touristic partners of the Moorea lagoon, this formation managed by […]