Since September and to the 10th September 2016, the IUCN Congress (Union for Conservation of Nature “on the theme of Conservation takes place in Hawaii. During those ten days, the world’s leading governments, the business and scientists, the representatives of NGOs (like our association with the presence of our President Dr. Cecile Gaspar), cultural groups, youth, etc, will gather themselves to decide the best way forward on the most pressing environmental issues of our time. Their work will help transform the global goals on climate and sustainable development into reality. You can follow the steps of the Congress in clinking here.
The President of French Polynesia Mr Edouard Fritch brought the voice of Polynesia to promote the plan of a the largest marine area of the world managed : here in Polynesia. Throughout his speech he reiterated the wish to preserve, on a territory as large as Europe, all marine species in our waters, including marine turtles and marine mammals …
<< Discover the French Polynesian speech from the President of the French Polynesia in its entirety (only in French).