The jury of the two contest held this year in education “Tohorā, humpback whales, who are you?” and “Protection Lagoon” contest met in June 4 to award the winning classes. After deliberation, we are pleased to announce that the winners are:
– For the “Tohora, humpback whale who are you?” Contest :
1st Prize in all categories : the CM2 class level (Mrs. Tepua Yue) of Manotahi Elementary school for tale Story: The story of Moana the humpback whale
The second prize goes to the CE2/CM1 class level (Mrs Cindy Teauna) of Papetoai Elementary school for Anthology of Poems – Papetoai CE2 CM1 Cindy
The third prize goes to the CM2 class level (Mr Wilbert Lehot) of St. Paul – St. Terese Elementary school for the tale :The story of the humpback whale”.
The winners are invited on Monday, June 10th to celebrate the World Oceans Day with the association throught their participation into educational activities and to recover their prizes!
The whole team of the Association wishes to thank all the other participants who worked on the protection of the Polynesian marine environment (Haapiti Elementary school for”The Adventures of Alice” , Toata Elementaryschool for “the Collection of poems” …) – blink eye to Ruben Ramos, student of Manotahi Elementary who wished to participate in the contest individually. Congratulations for your engagement!
– For the “Protection Lagoon?” contest, reserved only for the classes of the island of Moorea :
The winners are the CM2 class of Mme Caroline – Paopao Elementary school for their poster “SOS Reef”.
We also thank you all members of the jury: Christa Teihotu (Federation of Environmental Protection) – Onyx Le Bihan and Angela Tom Sing Vien (City hall of Maiao Moorea) – Patrick Albert (Minsitry of Primary School – circo 10) – Thierry Latrobe (Total Polynesia) – Lee Rurua and Dom Leoture (PGEM association) – Nicky Temaurioraa (Moorea Dolphin Center) – Cecile Gaspar and Vie Jourdan (Te mana o te moana).